Ombudsman Disclosure

Effective date:

February 20, 2024

We protect seniors 60+

As Certified Ombudsman, we work as advocates and problem-solvers to ensure residents in long-term care settings stay safe and well-treated. We protect their rights and dignity, working with everyone involved to resolve complaints and issues.

Although our certification covers only long-term care facilities, we also extend support services to seniors visiting hospitals, rehabs, shelters, and receiving care at home. In these settings, our role shifts from Certified Long-Term Care Ombudsman to Investigative Advocates.

Residents: Seniors living in or visiting places like nursing homes, hospitals, rehab centers, shelters, or their own homes.

Facility: Any place providing long-term care services, such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Long-Term Care: Services and support for people with chronic health problems or disabilities needing help with daily activities and health care over a long period.

Our Core Principles

  1. Champion Resident Rights: Ensure respect and protection for the rights and well-being of residents in long-term care facilities, short-term care environments, or at home.
  2. Resolve Conflicts: Mediate disputes between residents, families, and facility staff to achieve fair and respectful resolutions.
  3. Investigate Complaints: Address and investigate complaints about care, treatment, and living conditions in long-term care settings, including any visiting or living situation.
  4. File Complaints: Assist residents and families in reporting mistreatment or issues to the proper authorities. Remain with the resident until accountability and resolution occur, ensuring mistreatment ceases and concerns resolve.
  5. Provide Education: Inform residents, families, and staff about resident rights, facility regulations, and best practices in long-term care or any visiting or living situation.
  6. Offer Support: Provide emotional support and guidance to residents and families during difficult transitions and challenges.

Our Responsibilities

  1. Confidentiality: Maintain strict privacy policy regarding all shared information. Personal and sensitive information stays undisclosed without explicit consent, except as required by law including HIPAA read our HIPAA Policy.
  2. Ensure Professional Conduct: Uphold professional standards and ethical guidelines, delivering services with integrity and respect for residents' best interests.
  3. Disclose Conflicts of Interest: Reveal any potential conflicts of interest to maintain transparency and focus on residents' best interests.
  4. Promote Informed Decisions: Empower residents and families with clear and unbiased information to support their decision-making process.

Our Protection Process (how it works)

  1. Regular Visits: Conduct regular visits to long-term care facilities to monitor conditions, ensure residents' rights stay respected, and identify areas of concern.
  2. Investigate Complaints: Address and investigate complaints about care, treatment, and living conditions in long-term care settings or any visiting or living situation.
  3. Emergency Response: Establish emergency response procedures to address unforeseen situations promptly and ensure the safety and well-being of residents.
  4. Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Mediate disputes and conflicts between residents, their families, and facility staff to ensure fair, respectful, and resident-preferred resolutions.
  5. Reporting: File complaints with proper authorities to ensure accountability for issues such as abuse, neglect, or fraud.
  6. Education and Information: Inform residents, families, and staff about resident rights, facility regulations, and best practices in long-term care or any visiting or living situation.
  7. Resource Referral: Connect residents with trusted professionals and organizations for specialized expertise, such as legal, financial, or healthcare services.
  8. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Seek and value feedback from residents, their families, and facility staff to improve advocacy services and training.

Our Protection Outcomes (results)

  1. Report Concerns: We report abuse, neglect, or fraud to the appropriate authorities responsible for safeguarding seniors' rights.
  2. Immediate Actions: We take prompt steps to remove seniors from harm’s way during the reporting process.
  3. No Control Over Timing: We cannot influence how or when authorities address reported issues.
  4. Continuous Support: We stay with each senior from the initial report to resolution, providing ongoing assistance and care.
  5. Final Outcome: If or when authorities conclude the investigation, not all reported issues may end with satisfactory results. Regardless of the outcome, we continue to provide our scope of services to protect residents from future neglect, abuse, or fraud.

We Don't Do

Our Certified Ombudsman support services do not replace professional advice in law, finance, or healthcare and not intended to serve as substitutes for such guidance:

  1. Facility Representation: No work on behalf of a long-term or short-term care facility. We advocate solely in the best interest of residents.
  2. Legal Representation: No legal representation or legal advice provided. Residents requiring legal counsel should seek the services of an attorney.
  3. Medical Diagnosis or Treatment: No medical diagnosis or treatment offered. Residents should consult healthcare providers for their medical needs.
  4. Financial Advice: No financial planning or financial advice provided. Residents with financial concerns should consult with qualified financial professionals.
  5. Placement Services: No placement services or decisions about residents' living arrangements. We advocate within the framework of the resident's chosen facility.
  6. Accept Gifts or Payments: No gifts or payments accepted from residents, their families, or long-term care facilities. We maintain impartial advocacy free from financial influence.
  7. Enforce Penalties: No authority to impose penalties on long-term care facilities or in any visiting or living situation. We resolve issues through advocacy, mediation, and reporting to appropriate authorities.
  8. Guarantee Outcomes: No guarantee of specific results or resolutions. We address concerns diligently, but outcomes depend on the unique circumstances of each case.

Although our services remain limited to non-legal, non-financial, and non-medical support, we can recommend a Seniors Advocate from our support team to help find suitable professionals in these areas.

Payment and Compensation

Seniors HelpDesk collects fees solely for our services, programs, events, and other offerings. These fees go directly to our nonprofit and never to Certified Ombudsman or Investigative Advocates. We do not accept referral fees or commissions from third parties, ensuring unbiased and objective services.


Our membership plans deliver clear, tailored services to protect seniors and address mistreatment. We equip seniors and families with essential support and guidance for peace of mind.

Report Mistreatment: This free service allows anyone to report suspected abuse, neglect, or other forms of mistreatment. We assist in filing reports with the appropriate authorities to ensure swift action and resolution.

Prevent Mistreatment: This free service focuses on proactive measures to safeguard residents from potential abuse or neglect. We offer guidance and resources to help prevent mistreatment before it occurs.

Monitor Mistreatment: Through daily, weekly, and monthly monitoring, we keep a close eye on residents living in or visiting any setting for as little as $1 per day. Our continuous oversight ensures their safety and well-being.