Advocates Disclosure

Effective date:

February 20, 2024

We care for seniors 60+

Senior Advocates provide advocacy and support services for seniors and their families. This disclosure statement outlines our services, responsibilities, and any potential conflicts of interest.

Services We Offer: Direct care and protection from Senior Advocates, Long-Term Care Ombudsmen, programs, events, and other offerings, but excludes goods or services provided by any other third-party.

Our Core Principles

  1. Advocacy: Be the voice for seniors to ensure their rights and needs remain respected and met. Work with government agencies, healthcare providers, housing providers, and other organizations to address concerns and secure appropriate services. Ensure fair treatment, quality care, and access to essential services.
  2. Information and Guidance: Provide seniors and their families with information on rights, available resources, and options for care and support. Educate on topics such as healthcare, housing, legal matters, financial planning, and recognizing and addressing mistreatment.
  3. Resource Referral: Connect seniors with trusted professionals and organizations for specialized expertise. Offer legal, financial, healthcare, and social service referrals.
  4. Emotional Support: Offer emotional support and counseling to seniors and their families during challenging times. Understand the emotional toll life transitions can take and provide a listening ear.

Our Responsibilities

  1. Confidentiality: Maintain strict privacy policy regarding all shared information. Personal and sensitive information stays undisclosed without explicit consent, except as required by law including HIPAA read our HIPAA Policy.
  2. Professional Conduct: Adhere to professional standards and ethical guidelines, ensuring services are provided with integrity and respect for members' best interests.
  3. Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during advocacy services. Primary duty is to act in the best interests of the seniors served.
  4. Informed Decisions: Empower seniors and their families to make informed decisions by providing clear and unbiased information. Do not make decisions on their behalf.

Our Care Process (how it works)

Initial Assessment:

  1. Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the senior's needs, preferences, and current living conditions.
  2. Gather input from family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers to create a complete picture.

Personalized Care Plan:

  1. Develop a tailored care plan addressing the senior's specific needs, including physical, emotional, and social aspects.
  2. Set clear goals and objectives to ensure a holistic approach to the senior's well-being.


  1. Coordinate with healthcare providers, caregivers, and family members to put the care plan into action.
  2. Ensure the senior receives necessary services and support, such as medical care, therapy, social activities, and daily living assistance.

Regular Monitoring:

  1. Conduct daily, weekly, and monthly check-ins to monitor the senior's progress and well-being.
  2. Keep a close eye on any changes in the senior's condition or circumstances.

Adjustments to Care Plan:

  1. Review the care plan regularly and make necessary adjustments based on the senior's evolving needs and preferences.
  2. Collaborate with all involved parties to ensure the care plan remains relevant and effective.

Reporting and Documentation:

  1. Maintain detailed records of the senior's progress, services received, and any issues that arise.
  2. Provide regular updates to family members and other stakeholders to keep them informed.

Advocacy and Support:

  1. Advocate for the senior's rights and well-being in all settings, ensuring their voice is heard and respected.
  2. Offer emotional support and guidance to both the senior and their family members throughout the care process.

Emergency Response:

  1. Establish emergency response procedures to address unforeseen situations promptly.
  2. Ensure the senior's safety and well-being during emergencies by coordinating with appropriate services and authorities.

Continuous Improvement:

  1. Seek feedback from the senior, family members, and caregivers to continuously improve the care process.
  2. Stay updated with the latest best practices and innovations in senior care to provide the highest quality support.

Our Care Outcome (results)

  1. Enhanced Safety and Well-being: Continuous monitoring through our monitor mistreatment service and immediate action ensure seniors remain safe and well-treated.
  2. Improved Living Conditions: Regular quality of life check visits and investigations address and resolve issues in care and living environments.
  3. Increased Accountability: Reporting to authorities ensures care facilities and caregivers uphold standards.
  4. Emergency Preparedness: Established response procedures protect seniors in urgent situations.
  5. Ongoing Support: Our steadfast presence and communication provide reassurance and guidance throughout the process.
  6. Informed Decisions: Education and resources empower seniors and families to make well-informed choices.
  7. Rights Protection: Advocacy ensures seniors' rights remain respected and upheld in all settings.
  8. Peace of Mind: Comprehensive care and oversight provide families with confidence in their loved ones' safety and care.
  9. Resource Access: Facilitating connections to essential services supports seniors' overall health and well-being.

For further information about the care Advocates provide, please read our care policy.

We Don't Do

Although we do not provide the following services directly, we assist with finding appropriate professionals and remain alongside seniors to ensure the process and outcomes serve their best interests:

  1. Legal or Financial Advice: Do not provide legal or financial advice. We recommend consulting qualified professionals for specific legal or financial matters.
  2. Medical Diagnosis or Treatment: Do not offer medical diagnosis or treatment. Seniors should consult healthcare providers for their medical needs.
  3. Decision-Making on Behalf of Seniors: Do not make decisions on behalf of seniors. We provide information and support to empower seniors and their families to make informed decisions.
  4. Accept Referral Fees: Do not accept referral fees or commissions from third-party professionals or organizations. We offer recommendations focused on the best interest of the senior, not financial gain.
  5. Guarantee Outcomes: Cannot guarantee specific results in legal, financial, healthcare matters, or any other area or outcome. We advocate in the best interest of seniors. Results depend on individual circumstances and decisions of relevant professionals.

Payment and Compensation

Seniors HelpDesk only collects fees for our services according to the selected membership plan. Fees never paid directly to Senior Advocates. We accept no referral fees or commissions from third-party professionals or organizations to maintain objectivity.


Our membership plans deliver clear, tailored services to protect seniors and address mistreatment. We equip seniors and families with essential support and guidance for peace of mind.

Report Mistreatment: This free service allows anyone to report suspected abuse, neglect, or other forms of mistreatment. We assist in filing reports with the appropriate authorities to ensure swift action and resolution.

Prevent Mistreatment: This free service focuses on proactive measures to safeguard seniors from potential abuse or neglect. We offer guidance and resources to help prevent mistreatment before it occurs.

Monitor Mistreatment: Through daily, weekly, and monthly monitoring, we keep a close eye on seniors living in or visiting any setting for as little as $1 per day. Our continuous oversight ensures their safety and well-being.